Monday, September 30, 2019

Arthur Miller’s ‘A View From the Bridge’ Essay

Masculinity is a prevalent theme in Arthur Miller’s A View From The Bridge. The four leading male characters in the play; Eddie, Rodolpho, Marco and Alfieri; each play different roles and different types of men. Miller has represented men and masculinity in an unforgiving light in the play. It appears that it is men that confuse and create problems in the characters’ lives. Each character’s actions are effected by the conflicting forces of determinism, where every event and situation is the inevitable result of its preceding states of affairs; and freewill. It could be said that the male characters in A View From The Bridge are not acting, but being acted upon. The main character in A View From The Bridge is Eddie. He is forty years of age, slightly overweight and is described as â€Å"husky†. The huskiness used in the description refers to both Eddie’s roughness and his strong, burly build. His age suggests experience, another masculine quality. Eddie’s appearance reflects his attitude, strong and intimidating. In trying to prove his masculinity, Eddie is the focus of many conversations, as he feels that he must dominate the conversation. Eddie’s speech is very direct, with blunt wording. He constantly uses contractions and drops the last letter off words, such as in the phrase â€Å"I didn’t say nothin'†. Eddie’s language is not sophisticated in any sense. This is because Eddie spent his time working instead of getting a proper education. Eddie also comes from a working class family, which would mean that his education is limited. The conglomeration of these factors conveys Eddie to be even more masculine. It is very clear that Miller has constructed Eddie to represent the epitome of masculinity; however the character has a propensity to be acted upon rather than acted. Although Eddie is portrayed as a very masculine character, the turmoil in his mind is evident to the reader. Within himself he is trying to control his feelings, or act. Instead, it appears that the happenings around him control Eddie’s actions. When Eddie allows Rodolpho and Marco to stay, he is acting, as he is making the decision as the patriarchal member of the Carbone family. He has the choice of whether to accept them or not. He acts out of freewill. The best example Eddie being acted upon is when he calls Immigration about Marco and Rodolpho. At this point in the play, Eddie thinks that he has no other options. He is struggling to control his  feelings for Catherine, which on its own is an example of being acted upon. Although Eddie knows that these incestuous feelings are not acceptable, he cannot help but feel this way. Catherine’s developing relationship with Rodolpho is clearly testing Eddie’s endurance. Eddie also feels that Rodolpho is a bad influence on Catherine, as Eddie can no longer control her as he used to. Realistically, this is because Catherine is growing up more than Rodolpho’s influence. However, Eddie feels that the only solution is to get rid of Rodolpho. By doing this, Eddie hopes that everything will return to its original state, with him being the patriarch. Consequently, Eddie calls Immigration. It can clearly be seen that Eddie is not acting, as eliminating Rodolpho is something that is inevitable if Eddie wishes for things to return to their initial state. Rodolpho’s appearance in A View From The Bridge is one that is far more feminine and gentle than that of the other characters. He is described as a slim â€Å"platinum blond† with a â€Å"nice face†. His gentle features are considered womanly, and so he is not considered to be masculine. Rodolpho’s age can be estimated to be in the mid-twenties. This denotes a lack of life experience, another indicator towards femininity rather than masculinity. Miller has constructed Rodolpho as a much less masculine character than Eddie so as to juxtapose the two characters. Unlike Eddie, Rodolpho is a more rational character. He is more cautious in what he says. Due to this discretion, Rodolpho’s speech is very limited in A View From The Bridge. However, his rational behaviour does not stop Rodolpho from being more acted upon than acted. Even though Rodolpho tries to refrain from causing too much of a disturbance in America, he is visibly maddening Eddie by showing affection towards Catherine. However, Rodolpho cannot control his feelings. He stands up for his right to have a relationship with Catherine and, regardless of what Eddie does or says, Rodolpho still has these feelings for Catherine. Rodolpho does not choose to be attracted to Catherine, it simply happened. The concept that Catherine and Rodolpho both care for each other is not a matter of choice or freewill, it is clearly determinism. For this reason, Rodolpho is more acted upon than acting in A View From The Bridge. Marco is described in A View From The Bridge as a thirty-two year old â€Å"square built peasant†. His square build implies strength and an intimidating physique, which evokes an air of masculinity. His age puts him between Eddie and Rodolpho. Throughout the play, Marco is played as quiet, yet thoughtful. His dialogue is minimal, until the final sequence where the conflict between him and Eddie erupts. Although his dialogue is entirely different to that of Eddie, the pair are both seen as masculine characters. This is because Marco is confident with himself, and does not feel it is necessary to talk or dominate the conversation. In doing so, his confidence shines through as being masculine. Again, Marco is a character that appears, in most cases, to be more acted upon than acting. Marco’s strong and silent persona allows him to understand and recognise elements in the characters more so than Eddie and Rodolpho. He sees Eddie’s challenging nature towards Rodolpho and challenges Eddie back. In this sense, Marco’s actions are acted. He understands what is happening and uses his own freewill to make a decision of what to do. However, the final sequences are clearly an indication of how Marco is more acted upon than acting. When Marco spits in Eddie’s face, it is the culmination of Eddie’s attitude and actions that cause him to do so. After trusting Eddie, Marco has been proverbially stabbed in the back. However, Marco’s reaction was eminent. Eddie’s ongoing dislike of both Marco and Rodolpho would eventually arrive at a confrontation. Marco’s reaction was clearly determinism – it was the inevitable result of its preceding states of affairs. In this way, the character of Marco is more acted upon than acting. Similarly, when Marco kills Eddie, it is inevitable. If not for Eddie’s death, the play would be going nowhere. Eddie’s sanity is questionable towards the end of A View From The Bridge. If Eddie were to survive the stabbing, there would be no closure for any of the characters. When Eddie pulls the knife out and attempts to stab Marco, it is clear that he is not thinking rationally. Marco then acts in self defence when he stabs Eddie. He knows that one of them will die in the struggle, and sees that his killing of Eddie is the only way he will come out alive. For this reason, Marco acts not out of freewill, but stabs Eddie as there is no other way for the battle to end. Hence, Marco is more  acted upon than acting. However, this attribute is not shared by all of the male characters in A View From The Bridge. The final male character in A View From The Bridge is Alfieri. Alfieri is the oldest of the characters, described as being â€Å"in his fifties†, turning grey and portly. His age implies much life experience, as does his generously proportioned physique. His appearance is also one of a higher class than the rest of the characters. Alfieri speaks with distinction. Unlike Marco and Eddie, who feel the need to express their masculinity, Alfieri is confident in himself, and so needs not demonstrate this through his language. For this reason, Alfieri remains to be a masculine character even though his language is very poetic and eloquent. For example, when consulting Eddie and Marco, he says â€Å"To promise not to kill, is not dishonourable.† As well as showing Alfieri’s intelligence, the statement gives his words a scale of importance. Alfieri’s masculinity shines through in his instructing and superior manner. Unlike the rest of the male characters in A View From The Bridge, it is felt that Alfieri is not being acted upon, but is acting. As Alfieri is not directly involved in the convoluted relationships that take place in the apartment, he has the advantage of having a less emotional reaction to the occurrences. Alfieri also has the advantage of being able to think about things rationally before offering an opinion. When attempting to guide Eddie in his turmoil, Alfieri informs him that he can take no legal action. In doing so, Alfieri is acting out of freewill. Nothing is forcing him to tell Eddie this. Theoretically, Alfieri could ignore the legal aspect and tell Eddie to take his chances. Instead, Alfieri offers his own advice, to â€Å"let her go†. Although Alfieri’s instinct to seek resolution may be seen as more acted upon than acting, his pressure in guiding Eddie to do the right thing, or lack thereof, is freewill, as Alfieri made the choice in not forcing Eddie to stop acting in the manner that he was. For this reason, Alfieri is acting more than he is acted upon. Although each of the male characters in Miller’s play A View From The Bridge represents a different role and different type of man, each of their actions can be seen as either an act of freewill or an act of determinism. In many  instances, it appears that there is no other way for the incident to occur. At other times, the characters make choices, exercising their freewill. As Eddie, Rodolpho and Marco are all emotionally involved in the relationships in the play; their actions tend to be acts of determinism. All three are trapped in gender roles, not wanting to appear weak. As Alfieri is more of an onlooker in the play, his actions are a result of freewill. Confident with his masculinity, he is able to decide what to do, not be forced into doing something. For this reason, the male characters in A View From The Bridge can be said to be predominantly more acted upon than acting.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nature vs. Nurture in Oliver Twist Essay

Out of all the questions that anyone may have for the novel, Oliver Twist, one of the more common questions that can occur is; â€Å"What determines a person’s personality, decisions, actions, etc. Is nature to blame? Or is it nurture’s fault?† Seeing as though Oliver was orphaned at birth and never had a real mother or siblings to look up to, this essay will focus on the nurture section of the question. Nurture, by definition, is the value of experiences, cultural influences, and learned actions/reactions in a growing offspring’s life. Nature is defined as the qualities with which people are born (including genetic make-up, stable personality traits, â€Å"animals instincts†, etc.) Oliver had many bad influences to decide that it may have been nature that had affected him the most in this situation. In all cases, the nature vs. nurture debate is one and the same. Caring for a child most assiduously is very important, according to the definition of nurture, and within the story of Oliver Twist, the child never seemed to receive proper nurturing from any of the parochial people or thieves that he had accompanied. Dickens writes the character of Oliver in a way that seems to cement his stance in nature’s court; that Oliver appears to be an innately good person. His experiences in the workhouse, the abuse he has to endure from Mr. Bumble and other characters, and his exposure to a life of crime does not make Oliver turn from good to bad. However, to assume that Dickens supports the idea that only nurture is responsible for determining a person’s personality would be incorrect. In fact, other characters within the novel, assert that they are products of their environments. This means that characters such as Nancy, the Artful Dodger, and others have been molded by their experiences, which clearly supports nurture’s side of the debate. From a scientific point of view, most psychologists agree that neither nature nor nurture can be held completely responsible for the shaping of a person’s personality. When faced with the nature vs. nurture debate in real situations, it is typically assumed that personality can be attributed partly to nature and partly to nurture. At first glance many of Dickens’s characters appear to favor either nature or nurture, but further investigation shows that each character embodies traits that can be attributed to both. In Oliver Twist, Dickens draws the attention to numerous issues. For example, there is a very clear theme of disapproval of the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act (and its accompanying effects) throughout then novel. And while most of the other issues that Dickens includes in his writing are societal, he does bring up an interesting debate that has psychological roots. Although Oliver is surrounded by horrible situations, Dickens still had a tone of hope underscoring it all. At points, there were questions if that was because the reader knew what would happen in the end. But Dickens intended Oliver Twist to be somewhat humorous. For example, by illustrating the dichotomy of the wealthy, fat parish leaders feasting while orphaned workhouse children starve on gruel. In conclusion, both sides to the debate of whether or not Oliver was most affected by nature or nurture remains to the opinion of the reader. Of course there may be certain circumstances as to which side the reader may favor and Dickens had probably pursued that route, intending for the reader to decide Oliver’s fate. The nature vs. nurture argument pertains to anyone who wishes for a good debate in their reading selections of Charles Dickens.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Centers Disease Control and Prevention †Free Samples to Students

HIV is considered as one of the challenges to the life of human and dignity. It gives direct impact on the levels of society and also gives impact on the global economic and social development. It is a virus that directly attacks the immune system. The virus gives negative impact on the white blood cell in the immune system named as T helper cell and makes many copies of it inside the cells. The biomedical concept is taken into consideration and it remains as a dominant concept related with health. It states that the body is a machine that comprises of various parts working together. If one part is not functioning properly, then proper diagnosis takes place and it is healed by taking medicines prescribed by a doctor. Pharmacology is considered as a treatment that is beneficial in the treatment of HIV. It is assessed that to promote biomedical, the alternatives approaches are taken into consideration to heal the problem of an individual. The biomedical approach can be unsuitable for some communities and also it generates the feeling of helplessness and gives impact on the success of the interventions. The concept that is related to health and illness are diverse and also complex as compared to the medical model. It gives the main emphasis on the health of an individual and also it is related to the complete life experiences that are concerned with local and cultural structures. But the biomedical approach heals the whole person by connecting the illness of an individual with the person's social and economic background. The critics are evaluated of this model that the concept is very difficult to analyze and also it remains marginalized and also less recognized. On the contrary, Taylor (2003) states that lay perspective is considered as an important knowledge for the health of the p ublic as it searches the root of illness for giving treatment to a large population if the comparison is made with the individual focused interventions. The medical model creates hindrance in enhancing and creating prevention of the diseases like HIV (Wouters et al. (2016). In the theory of Goffman (1990), it assists to understand that how the stigma is built and how it influences the lives of the people that create the boundaries between those in power and those do not have the power   (Attell,2013). By the power the social inequality is created that lead to creation of social norms. The stigma is formulated that helps to interact with people and also power structure that helps to maintain control of the powerless. Both the theories are taken into consideration in HIV and are concerned to showcase that how negative attitude, abuse are directed towards PLWHA have given direct impact on the progress of treatment and prevention (Ngo et al., 2013). The investigation has highlighted that stigma in health care settings are taken from social power imbalances that give contribution to keep the people away from the treatment of HIV. Also, the patients feel sad and disappointed when they analyzed that the health workers are feeling uncomfortable and also giving treatment in an inferior manner (Rodger et al., 2014).   In Tanzania, there are many discriminatory practices like talking about the HIV status, neglect and also discloses the information without the consent of the patients. Also, it is evaluated that in many countries the health workers disclose the status of HIV patients to their families without giving information to the patients. In most of the studies, harassment and also avoiding the patients who are suffering from HIV positive are the common features that are analyzed. There are many health workers who used protective clothing even when there is no physical interaction at the time of interactions (Matheson et al., 201 3). The literature on HIV and also to access the health services is negative as the evidence is evaluated and also the HIV services were de stigmatizing in various parts of the globe.   Brazil has also taken into consideration the model by PLWHA. For them, it is the supportive structural system that enhances healthy environments and promotes the participation of various groups in the society and also in the government. In South Africa, many people rely on traditional healing. In the prevention of HIV, Aids Activism plays a great role by converting the biomedical approach in the framework of ideologies (Earnshaw et al., 2013). The literature states that for effective control of HIV it is important to have collaboration between lay perspectives and biomedical approach. It is also evaluated that there is no cure for AIDS but it can enhance the life by reducing the level of HIV in the body, it delays the process between the HIV and AIDS. According to the World Bank, There are 60 million people who are living with HIV globally. Also, the treatment has enhanced but as it is analyzed that for every 100 people on treatment, 250 people get infected. The people are only trusting biomedical approach for treatment and care of HIV (Katz et al., 2013). By analyzing the UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2010, it is seen that in total 7 countries the HIV has enhanced by 25 percent between 2001 and 2009. Sub Saharan Africa, is considered as the area that is highly affected by the epidemic and also it shows the signs in reducing the positive behavior due to the enhancement of the services that are related to the local culture (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS & UNICEF, 2010).The challenges that are given by HIV to the global public health are, the Baum says collective participation fight can be conducted against the disease.   She stated that the community level mobilization is when there is an effective partnership between the structure and the lay people (Campbell & Foulis, 2004).   This is then supported by the farmer who does not consider the dominance of biomedical in health and healing (Norris et al., 2014). He considers that the lay people have an important role in the health improvements and also gives focus on the significance of understanding the experience of lay people for conducting successful interventions. He showed that the health care services should be easily visible to PLWHA .Also; the professional of healthcare should give knowledge about the impact of stigma on patients and policies that enhances inclusion of PLWHA in decisions that gives direct impact on the lives (Wu & Li, 2013). Parker and Aggleton, (2003) also stated that collective participation between the lay people and health structures plays as a successful anti-stigma services (Parker & Aggleton, 2003). It is evaluated that the health structure and PLWHA can be enhanced by involving lay people through advocacy. If the involvement is high of PLWHA, then the focus is given on the principle of PLWA because the situation can be analyzed in an effective manner (Li et al., 2015).     Also, the voices can listen if the needs are showcased by people in the same situation. In the study of Zambia, it is seen that the professionals who are living with HIV are in the position to sponsor for the people who access the services. Baum states that the advocacy consists of public health a practitioner who gives direct influence on the barriers in the health of the public. Literature also states that the concept of health and healing helps to access the services that give treatment and prevention from AIDS (Herek et al., 2013).The biomedical approach is related to the concept of health and illness through science and expertise by giving emphasis on the individual. The lay concept considers health and healing as surrounded by the local, social and cultural structures and also it considers the public health for a wide population. The literature also advises the approach is effective in the prevention of HIV. The arguments give significance on collaborating the models. So there is the need of the intervention programmers so that holistic approach can be developed and also proper understanding should be taken into consideration (World Health Organization, 2016). Before the identification of HIV as the causative agent of AIDS, the principal mode that is considered in the transmission was through the contaminated blood. There are 13,000 cases of AIDS that have occurred among hemophiliacs in the United States. There are two reasons due to which the risk categories are reduced, screening of blood and also to prevent the individual from donating the blood. It is also analyzed that HIV is transmitted through the maternal blood that enters by the circulation of fetal circulation virus at the time of labor and delivery. The postnatal HIV infection can take place via breastfeeding and also include 14 percent of the HIV infections at the time of delivery. The virus can easily enter the body through infected cells. The transmission mode considers the initial cells that encounter virus. Indication suggests that in the sexual transmission   1 variant of HIV Can reduce the frequency in order to pass to the recipient (Brown et al.,   2016). HIV is enhancing in context with the socioeconomic problem. There are many factors that cause poverty, cultural aspects and also it is essential for the rapid and global development of AIDS epidemic. It is a virus that is caused due to the deficiency in the human. It is important to have a proper scientific knowledge that is essential to prevent AIDS. The progress is made in which micro bides are developed and also there is anti-infective medication that is formulated to prevent HIV. It is also important that the development should be supported by the education campaigns that geared women perspective to safeguard themselves and their children from the transmission of HIV (Yusuf et al., 2015).   It is significant that the vaccine development should take place in a proper manner. In the recent scenario, the environmental awareness has attained the attention of the public. The influence is also put on the environmental factors like weather, personal attitudes and also on policies that have infected the life of the persons. In the idea of a vaccine, the edible tissue of transgenic crop plants has also achieved a great success (Emlet et al., 2015).It has a negative impact on the economies of many countries. The magnitude of the demographic and economic impact is reducing the health gains that are made in the last few decades. People with HIV create a burden on the public finance and the major impact was on the health sector. The impact of HIV is on the individuals and also on their families. There are many cases that have resulted in the loss of the income and also enhanced expenditure. The families that are affected by HIV reduce the savings and assets so that the expenditure and income shocks can be attained (Siegel et al., 2015).   It has also reduced the profits and labor productivity due to the enhancement in the AIDS expenditure. ILO evaluates th at thirty-seven million people globally are involved in the productive economic activities are HIV positive. It has also given impact on employment, relationships and also on the social reactions of the community members. HIV has also given impact on the parenthood. It is stated that 70 percent of the parents who are HIV infected taken into consideration that their family planning is over, as it is not possible to bear any more child (Masur et al., 2014).   The children suffering from HIV have a high risk of death and also the direct impact is given on the psychology of the children. The study states that genetic measurements should be straightforward and should also measure the environmental exposure. There are various challenges to overcome the environmental factors. The multivariate models require validation both internally and externally.   The research also investigated that the social and health factor that is related to the HIV infection. If there is a higher rate of prevalence and also the availability is easy of the physicians then the prevention can be made easily by the HIV. If there is a high rate of an adolescent fertility rate that can easily enhance the epidemic. It is also evaluated that HIV gives impact on the family, community, and country (Bennett et al., 2014). It is analyzed that in the countries of central Asia the HIV is enhancing globally, and also it has been driven by injecting drug use. There are various approaches that give support to children who are affected by HIV. It gives direct and indirect impact on the rights of children and also the consequences of the impact can be minimized if the qualities of health and education services are accessed. There are four major principles related to the rights of children: The right to survive and also to protect from the neglection and from abuse, the right to listen and to raise the voice and also the right related to freedom from discrimination. Right based programming is also related to prevention, care, protection and impact mitigation. It focuses on promoting the participation of the children in implementing the HIV programmes (Okoror et al., 2014). The global strategy is taken into consideration so that the guidance can be attained for the orphans and also for the infected children by HIV. The strategies that are analyzed have the aim to: Enhance the capacity of the families so that the protection and care can be given to orphans and to the infected children. It also ensures that the essential services should be given to the orphan and infected children that consist of education and health. It is also analyzed that awareness is essential for creating a supportive environment for the children and also for families who are directly affected by HIV. The strategies are considered as an important aspect that is required for effective care and support (Insight Start Study Group, 2015). There are various policies and practices that have given significant improvement in the lives of the affected children. It consists of policies and laws that hold the property rights of the orphan. The school education is given for free with the subsidiary and the good governance is supported and promoted. Government programs play a significant role in assisting care for people with HIV but it is evaluated that there are some limitations. The limitations are: Some people do not consider the early therapy because of some rules related to eligibility. The goals and the standards of HIV are related to the primary care so that the disease can be monitored and also effective therapy that is based on the clinical indicator for the progression of disease (Cohen et al., 2016). The majority of funds are provided in context with the Care act that is distributed with the community input. The care Act gives emphasis on the role of planning and also in decision making with the involvement of the community and also it meets the needs of HIV. Congress also considered the unmet needs of the communities. In 1999, Congress has given funds to assist a minority HIV people. The main aim of the member of the community is to give a response to the HIV Epidemic (Oni & Unwin, 2015). The congressional Black caucus also played a significant role in creating the initiatives and also to consider the priority of funding. Medicaid is one of the public programs that give drug coverage. Under this, the drug is considered as an optional service that should be provided by the state. There are very important variations to cover the policies from state to state and also to limit the number of prescriptions that are given and filled each month (Breet et al., 2014).   In many states, an individual who is disabled and eligible for the income-related with supplemental income qualifies for Medicaid. The SSI is an income support program that is conducted by the social security administration for low-income group. The program that is related to social security disability gives income support payments to the workers who are considered as disabled. The state gives an offer of providing full Medicaid benefit to the individuals that consist of disabilities and also the income that is more than the income level. The state also considers a certain amount to disregard and also gives focus on determining the eligibility criteria of Medicaid (Deeks et al., 2013). The high ability of the policy refers to collect, analyze and also to use the data and the result of health policy that helps to implement in an effective manner. HPP give strength to the governments, individuals and also to the society to frame the policy to develop and implement to give a boost to the national efforts related to HIV. The biological, behavioral and also structural plays a great role and also there is a higher risk for HIV transmission rather than for other individuals (Hanson et al., 2014). So, it is analyzed that there are many individuals who are affected by the virus. The direct impact is on contracting and also living with the virus is a great challenge for the individual. The direct impact is considered by analyzing the effectiveness of the management program and also it is related to the prevention of new infections. The main challenge is to encourage HIV testing by considering the risk groups and the care should be given who are living with HIV. It is essential to take corrective steps and also to consider prevention methods so that it cannot be spread easily. At the time of prevention, it is essential that physical and psychosocial impact should be taken into consideration of the virus. The policies and procedures should consider the wants of the individuals, families and of the community so that the impact on the various sectors can be addressed properly. Also, it is evaluated that the biomedical and lay perspective approach helps to prevent HIV and also enhanc es the benefits. The holistic approach should be considered that collaborates the model of HIV. It gives impact on lot of the lives of an individual and also through the collective action of the society and also by the national support it can be controlled. Attell,B.K.(2013). Social contact theory: A framework for understanding Aids related stigma. 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Friday, September 27, 2019

John smith4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

John smith4 - Essay Example Secondly, during his voyages, Captain John Smith made the first map of the region. This map also led to the discovery of Jamestown and people we able to access the town using the maps made by the captain. The article is written to appreciate the contributions that one Captain John Smith made towards making Jamestown one of the earliest towns to be inhabited in the history of America. It also seeks to appreciate the significant strides that the town has taken in the last 400 years. The articles intended audience is the people of Jamestown. The article will help them appreciate where the town has come from and the strides it has taken to be where it is today and also celebrate the people who have helped the town like Captain John Smith. I was interested in captain Smith voyages in which he travelled over 1500 miles with a bowing boat. These were the excursions that made him draw up the map of Jamestown. I was also interested in how the town decided to commemorate Captain John Smith by having a similar voyage to which he had 400 years

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Response to 4 students assignment posting with 2 references each Coursework

Response to 4 students assignment posting with 2 references each - Coursework Example The student settles on Ms McClung as the individual who represents great leadership. He takes out passion as an outstanding trait in Ms McClung that makes her a great leader. According to the student, she possesses emotional intelligence and approaches complex problems within her team besides not being afraid to take action in her leadership role (Hackman, 2010). She makes decisions that take into full account the welfare of both employees and the organization. Her leadership style is therefore one that has decisions taking into account the needs of employees at a personal level, this the student says, is a good trait in a leader but according to Ltd ( 2004-2010), should not be a dominant factor in the overall leadership style. The student chose Charles Edwards as his great leader to discuss and provided a brief but elaborate history of Edwards fro when he was a young soldier in 1987 to when he worked his way up to the top. As a life changing moment, the student quotes Hackman’s (2002) comments that; â€Å" a great team leader does not rely on a single strategy for promoting team effectiveness but instead works the course of team seamlessness as a result reinforcing the outcome of hands on training†. This comments, he says, changed the point of view of Edwards and in as much as he found the cruel at the start, he later embodied them and that changed his entire future as a leader. He highlights self confidence as the trait that makes Edwards a great leader. Marlana chooses R. Wilson, the local Chief of Police as the effective leader for this discussion. She explains that Chief Wilson has worked through the ranks and understands both the formal and informal environment of not just the agency but the community as well. Effective managers according to Cohen, Eimicke and Heikkila (2008), are those in regular touch with the informal set up and have a excellent understanding of their

Historical Context of One Nation under God (1993) Movie and Era for Essay

Historical Context of One Nation under God (1993) Movie and Era for the Gay and Lesbian Rights Movement - Essay Example The proliferation of gay activism and same sex marriage debates that have dominated in media and political discussions in recent years have had a long standing history that dates several decades ago, when the wider society was still intolerant not only to the practice, but also to the idea of homosexuality. Fundamentalist religious groups such as Exodus International and moralists have never relented in their battles to rid society off this widespread social affliction that is homophobic sexual orientations, and have made sincere efforts to condemn the practice as a sin, and to restore individuals back to heterosexuality through curative therapies. This paper examines the themes highlighted in the documentary film One Nation under God of 1993 that was co-directed and co-produced by Teodoro Maniaci and Francine Rzeznik, both within the historical context in which it was created and within the documentary style it represents. The 1993 era provides both a historical context and a politi cal perspective of the gay rights movement back in time, when both the ex-gay movements and the religious right were equally gaining strength1. This period is very significant in the history of the gay rights movement because it marked a great check-in point for the current homosexuality tolerance and recognition of gay rights in the American society. Simply put, this period had a lot to do with the recent developments in the gay rights movement in the current era where some states have already ratified gay marriages; additionally, the federal government has recognized the union for tax reasons and issued a ban on ex-gay therapies that pervaded the ‘90s. One Nation under God (1993) documentary film highlights the pervasive confusion of male effeminacy and female masculinity with homosexuality in the perceptions of the two leading groups that were attempting to restore homosexuals to a more befitting place in society. The debates of the ex-gay movement feature prominently in a large portion of the movie, with interviews of the movement’s leaders such as Young, who was not only a transsexual, but also a homosexual with a history of sexual trauma, and Exodus International’s president. The documentary also features interviews of the main features Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper and their relationship, as well as fundamentalist Christian leaders, and psychiatrists who favored both sides of the debate in addition to, other ex-gays, and former ex-gays who fell on either sides of the debate too. The 1990’s era was pervaded by religious right wing proliferation of curative therapies for homosexuals2; today, this era gives an impressionable perspective of gay relations in the annals of history. The opening of the documentary presents off-the-street perspectives of homosexuality through interviews that reveal harsh oppositions to the practice due to its contravention of religious beliefs and societal morals. Interestingly, even in what would hav e been the most liberal places like New York City, a large proportion of people express bitter resentments towards homosexuality by condemning the practice as a sin and asking homosexuals to repent, thus indicating the high intolerance towards gays that pervaded America society back then. This documentary film was a resounding work at that point in time, due to the significance of its subject matter; the early 1990’s remain to be a significant point in the history of gay rights activism. AIDS had thwarted campaigns for gay rights and the gay political progress thoroughly in the ‘80s, resulting to a military ban on gays; this military ban resulted challenges to the subsequent

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Columbian Exposition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Columbian Exposition - Essay Example The fair’s lead architect and overseer of the design and planning of the fair’s main buildings were Daniel Burnham. These massive, neoclassical structures came to be known, commonly, as the White City. Despite their elegant appearance, the buildings were made from wood frames wrapped in staff, a plaster mixture that creates the illusion of stone (Rydell and Wells-Barnet, 33). The White City was lasting for not more than six months. The exhibition closed in late October 1893 and that winter, almost all of the buildings came down due to the massive fire. The documents that follow present the history of the Columbian Exposition in comparison to the history of Chicago. With the town’s location on the Michigan, there was the facilitation of access to road, sea as well as rail. It was a congregation of ideas, men, and technologies from every part of the world, with each country putting forth the best of their industrial, cultural, commercial and educational enterprises . The Renaissance style of the expositional buildings was unlatches by its architectural beauty. The Exposition itself was a work of art. The Exposition was a brilliant show of science, art, and industry. All the people of the world have its pilgrimage to Columbian Exposition. The fair’s contribution to the restoration and development of Chicago as a whole is without the doubt great. The over 40,000 skilled laborers and workers who took part in the construction of the fair--at Jackson Park together with Burnham.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Communication behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication behavior - Essay Example the book in her bag before asking me for it but I had no chance to tell her that she should not do that again but she had to go and I thought that I just met her and don’t know her that well. I keep my daily journal in my drawer and I allow nobody to neither open the drawer nor read the journal. We have a housekeeper coming over twice a week and I didn’t allow her to enter my room since I keep my room clean myself. This afternoon, she was allowed by my mother to check my room for cleaning and the housekeeper opened all the drawers including the one where I keep my journal. I knew she opened the drawer because the pen tucked in the journal rolled out to the side of the drawer. I asked her if she went in my room and even before she said yes I interrupted her and told her to please not to go through my drawers the next time. My best friend spent the night over at our house and she was flipping through my magazines. She probably got bored with them and she found the drawer where I keep my journal. I was coming out from the bathroom and I saw her opening the drawer. I told her not to open that drawer again because I was keeping my journal there. I also told her that I don’t want anyone to touch my journal since I was not comfortable when people touch my personal stuff. I was having a hard time comprehending the day’s lecture in class which prompted me to ask a guy classmate. Another classmate, a girl, interrupted and tried to explain on the topic but instead of helping me, she only added to my confusion. After her explanation, my guy classmate gave his explanation which was better and entirely different from the explanation of my girl classmate. I wanted to tell her about her mistake but I hesitated because I was worried that she might get offended. At school when my best friend and I were walking at the hall, a new friend asked me to a party but he told me that I was the only one invited and that I was not allowed to bring anyone else. I politely refused

Monday, September 23, 2019

Respond post Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Respond post - Essay Example at when the need for tax increase arises, which is normal, it would be difficult to get support from the public as they would interpret it as an increase in cost of living. Second, the writer highlights the proposal that a national sales tax should be established. In brief, the system would involve collecting sales tax at all retail establishments equal to 23% instead of taxing income. My response is in favor of the proposal. This is because the system would spread the tax burden evenly. This is because everyone buys things. Therefore, it curbs means of cheating and evading tax. 2. According to the article, Income Tax Reform and Flat Tax, the federal tax code is too detailed and lengthy. The writers propose a flat rate tax on income. It will make sure citizens have more money in their pockets as well as eliminate bureaucracy, long and expensive procedures during filing. Another proposal is Simple Exact Tax, and that is pure, fair and pro-growth. My response is that reform is necessary as we are evolving. The current system consumes time and money. Any error in the forms is fined by the government making the system very demanding (Jones, Thomas, & T.Lang, 2012). With the introduction of new taxes like medical excise tax, it gets more frustrating. 3. The White House and Treasury Department have released Business Tax Reform that has suggestions for simplifying tax law and stimulate economic growth. The document proposes adoption of methods that will make it easier for people to start and run startups by reducing the deductions (The White House and the Department of the Treasury, 2012). My response is that if the suggestions are to be adopted, they will spell success for most people. The benefits from this reform would provide a more generous phase-out schedule and considerably simplify and restructure the tax credit rules The White House and the Department of the Treasury. (2012, February). The Presidents Framework For Business Tax Reform. Retrieved April 18, 2015,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ethics and Financial Services Essay Example for Free

Ethics and Financial Services Essay Question A1 Outline the frauds identified in the case and explain the inconsistencies with proper accounting treatment. Relate your answer to broad accounting concepts and accounting standards where relevant. (8 marks; approximately 800 words) Answer: Livent Inc. is a theatre production corporation registered in Toronto, Canada. Therefore, all the accounting behaviours were subject to the General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) of Canada. In a broad sense, the GAAP imposes four main constraints on the accounting behaviours of companies – objectivity, materiality, consistency and conservatism. In the case of Livent Inc., there are several behaviours that was inconsistent with the proper accounting regulations in general. Large kickback scheme At the very beginning of the entire fraud by Livent, the two executives, Drabinsky and Gottlieb, fabricated transactions that did not exist at all, in order to transfer the revenue of the company secretly to their own pockets. They made the fake transaction on their balance sheet by colluding with their vendors. Drabinsky and Gottlieb received the money from vendors and asked them to fabricate evidences of charging fees. Manipulation of accounting records The kickback scheme sacrificed the net profit of the company, and as a result, Drabinsky and Gottlieb started manipulating the records. There were evidence from later investigation that Livent was exaggerating its revenue from the box office to show that it kept good income statement with good  profit. Also, they asked the accountants at Livent to modify the financial statements to hide the potential financial problems Livent had and to exhibit good operating performance to attract more investment. Drabinsky even used special software to manipulate the financial statements to make them as if they were the original record and hard to be detected. Keeping the fraud as secret to auditors With the help of the special software, Livent Inc. was able to keep two records of their financial performances, the phony one and the real one. And the outside auditors did auditing of Livent based on the phony financial records Livent provided. Therefore, the Deloitte, Livent’s outside auditing company, could hardly see signs of fraud during annual auditing. Significantly, the fraud of Livent Inc. broke the accounting principle of objectivity, which is also the primary standards companies should stick to. The objectivity principle basically requires that all kinds of financial statements the companies offer should be based on the facts. That is to say, every transaction and item recorded in the financial statements should be supported by unbiased and objective information. Under no circumstances are the managers, shareholders and accountants allowed to fabricate or distort any accounting reports and materials of the company. However, what Drabinsky and Gottlieb did at Livent went against the accounting standards. The fact that the two partners urged the internal accountants to modify the seasonal expenses and liability is definitely away from the proper professional behaviours. Livent benefited from manipulating its performance with additional investment and bank loans, which boosted aggressive expanding plans of Livent. It is even intolerable that the company invented the special software, which allowed unlimited arbitrary modification of all the accounting records of the company. This made the fraud much easier and less likely to be discovered because it enabled the manipulation looked as if they were the original data. Elrod and Gorhum (2010) made quantitative research on the way of detecting fraud by examine the extent to which the cash flow from operation and the earnings from continuing operations are correlated. Livent Inc. forced the accounting staff in the company to comply with the fraud behaviour without any doubt. The executives showed a â€Å"matter-of-fact† attitude toward the fraud. The accountants, independent auditors were not working independently and objectively as required by GAAP. On the contrary, they have been coerced or instructed to make fake accounting records, and did not show cooperation with the independent outside auditors. GAAP intends to ensure auditor independence. But Messina used her previous influence at Deloitte to disturb the independency of Deloitte auditors in examining the financial performance of Livent. The objectivity principle additionally restricts unreliable reports, materials and sheets offered to the auditors for annual auditing. Under the current accounting principles and standards in Canada and the United State, the auditors are responsible only for ensuring the preparation of all the accounting documents of the company align with the GAAP. But the outside auditors do not have access to the detailed daily record of the company. Therefore, the annual auditing is unable to prevent managerial collusion if the company provides counterfeit accounting materials. Livent was giving the fake balance sheet, income statement and other reports to Deloitte, which is not allowed by the accounting standards to a broad extent. Some companies correct their cheating behaviour when the situation improves, which makes it even harder to be detected. Nonetheless, such behaviours done by Livent are inconsistent with the standard professional ethics and regulations. Moreover, the aggressive developing strategy Livent had taken also violated the conservatism principle that the GAAP requires. This principle asks the accountants to exclude the uncertain income or revenue, while include the possible losses and risks in the financial statement. The conservative accounting behaviors are necessary because they can effectively prevent the shareholders and investors from potential losses. But in this case, Drabinsky is in such a haste to pursue aggressive development of the company, and obviously was exaggerating its revenue as well as concealing its losses. Question A2 Describe the corporate ethical culture at Livent Inc. How did this culture affect employee behaviour? Explain and justify your answer. (12 marks; approximately 1,200 words) Answer: Several researches supported the argument that the corporate ethical culture had large influences on the behaviours of the employees and their ethical judgements. The company does not have to have a specific code of ethics for the employees to constraint their ethical behaviours. The corporate environment in itself is enough for influencing the ethical behaviours inside the company. Nwachukwu and Vitell (1997)’s research found that the ethical culture in corporate has certain impact on the moral conviction of the employees upon what is right and wrong. Fraudulent behaviour was a very significant issue in the development of companies. It was because that it had tremendous impacts on the corporate, the employees as well as the public. Also, the difficulties in preventing such behaviours were to define, prevent and detect it. Schwartz (2013) made research and emphasized the three key factors in maintain an ethical corporate culture in the company. They are the set of ethical beliefs or values throughout the company, establishing â€Å"formal ethics program† and the ethical leadership throughout the development of the company. However, in the case of Livent’s fraud, all the three factors were lack in the system of the company. They had no clear ethical values, as the self-regulation mechanism, set and administrated inside the company to constraint the behaviours of not only the employees, but the senior executives as well. The unethical culture set by the top executives had not only influenced, but also forced all the staff, especially the accountants, to cooperate and to help conceal the fraud from being detected by the outsiders. This caused the company running under a set of very unethical corporate culture. It seemed to be routine to manipulate the financial records in Livent Inc. for quite a long time. As early as the year of 1990, Drabinsky, together with his best partner Gottlieb, began the kickback scheme to illegally create fake transactions to transfer money from the company to their own pockets. Then later Dranbinsky and Gottlieb had to tell even bigger lies and got more people involved in in order to make up for the expense losses from the kickback plan. The company lacked ethical leadership from the very beginning. To make the financial performance of Livent look promising,  Drabinsky and Gottlieb meddled in the daily accounting records as well as the preparation of the annual financial statements that were handed in and were examined by the auditing company, Deloitte. The executives and the senior level staff were not establishing positive example inside the company so as to maintain a positive ethical corporate culture. What’s even worse, they acted as the leading role in such fraudulent behaviours and arbitrarily got the other employees into the serious fraud scheme. Drabinsky and Gottlieb shouted at and coerced the staff and even the senior level managers to fulfil their ambition. They developed a specific computer software inside the company’s accounting system, so that they were able to take control of the financial status of the company. They could adjust any amount and transaction records in the system to make the quarterly, semi-annually and annually report of financial performance of Livent look promising to invest in. Even worse, by applying the software, Livent was able to cheat on the accounting records as if they were the raw figures, and avoid being discovered. It had also facilitated the fraudulent behaviours and motivated the employees and the executives to fraud continuously. Another serious issue inside Livent, besides the manipulation of the accounting records and financial statements, is the overwhelming attitude of viewing fraud as a matter of fact among executives as well as the employees. Even if some of the accounting staff including Messina and Webster questioned the unethical behaviours they got involved in, they were influenced by the overall environment and paid no attention to the fraudulent behaviours in Livent. They took for granted that what they did was to follow the instructions of the executives so as not to get fired. The employees would see Drabinsky shouting and bullying the accountants and even the senior level staff in the company if they had any different opinions against him. This was in fact establishing bad example for the employees and was to warn the other staff to just accept the deviant behaviours as a matter of fact. For a long time, employees were aware of the fraud happening, but were unwilling to avoid it. Llopis et al. (2007) argued that â€Å"effective communication is essential for the ethical message to be properly assimilated†. However, in Livent, the top two executives, Drabinsky and Gottlieb, were much too autocratic in the way of managing the company. There  were barely any information about the ethical culture passed to the employees, and the staff had little freedom to do their job but to listen to Drabinsky’s instructions. Last but not least, Livent Inc. lacked proper self-regulation mechanism to prevent the non-ethical behaviours. More often than not, self-regulation are considered as the last prevention of bad corporate ethical culture. Schwartz (2013) pointed out that the set of ethical value of the company was critical for making ethical decisions. Real self-regulation should not be independent of the public interest. Instead, the behaviours under self-regulation should be compatible with the social values and principles. In addition, as the ethical value of the company should not be arbitrarily decided by the executives or a few people in the company; instead the set of ethical value should gain the consent of the majority of the employees (Llopis et al. 2007). Yet, what the set of value acquiesced by the employees in Livent went against the public’s interest, and thus led to the unethical corporate culture overall. Formally, inside Livent, they did not have complete ethical programs including regulations on the professional operation of each position to prevent fraud. The ethical value of the company should be clearly stated in the policies and regulations, or even set incentive mechanism to encourage the employees to follow and to form good habits. In conclusion, there were three factors causing the unethical corporate culture inside Livent. The first is the long-standing fraudulent behaviours from the top executives, which were then passed down to the employees of lower levels arbitrarily. Second element of the unethical culture was the attitude of taking committing fraud as a matter of fact, and thus no one in the company were willing to discourage it. Finally, the lack of internal ethical corporate regulations or values established throughout the company accelerated the forming of unethical corporate culture. Working under such environment, the employees got involved in the fraudulent behaviours willingly or unwillingly forced by their boss. Moreover, their original ethical judgement became vague as they got used to the prevalent fraudulent working culture after a long time. They loss the sense of justice to judge the right and the wrong things. They might even rationalize what they had  done to be just and necessary. PART B Question B1 Why do you think Maria Messina become complicit in the fraud(s)? Explain your answer using the fraud triangle. (15 marks; approximately 1,500 words) Answer: The fraud originally started with the large kickback scheme by Drabinsky and Gottlieb, and finally Maria Messina, as the chief financial officer of Livent, got involved and helped in the huge fraud. Messina’s motivation to become complicit in the fraud can be explained by the theory of fraud triangle, which reveals much of the psychology of committing a fraud. The three key factors in the fraud triangle, considered as prerequisites of fraudulent behaviours, are the pressure, the opportunity and the rationalisation of doing it. Pressure The pressure of committing the fraud, according to the theory of fraud triangle, is more often than not â€Å"non-shareable† (Dellaportas 2013). The type of pressure may be related to financial issues, or may come from the job and working atmosphere. Dellaportas (2013) pointed out that the evil ideas can also be the source of pressure that causes fraud. People in Livent who joined in the fraud had different reasons of incentive to do illegal things as they had different kind of pressure. For example, for the two executives, Drabinsky and Gottlieb, they shared financial pressure. At first, their greed for money stimulated them to design the large kickback plan to secretly transfer money from the company to their own pockets. And later, just as Brenna and McGrath (2007) described in the paper, the executives had the motivation to fraud to keep the company at good performance so that they could gain high bonus as well as keep continuous outside investment for the company. But the motivation and pressure for Messina was a little different. Although as CFO of Livent, her bonus was linked with the performance of the company, the evidences in the  case and in the trial were insufficient to decide whether her fraudulent behaviour was directly motivated by financial pressure. However, it is clear that she was forced to involve in the fraud, like many other accountants at Livent, because of the coercion of Drabinsky and Gottlieb. Messina testified that the executives including Drabinsky would shout at the accountants and force them to cooperate in work. She worked under the pressure of the executives in the company. Messina would be at the risk of losing her job if she did not follow the instruction of Drabinsky. The financial situation was negative long before Messina joined Livent, meaning the fraud had already started before Messina was able to stop it. Taking over the responsibility of managing the financial performance of the company, she was faced with the situation out of her control. The environment of fraud and routine to manipulate the financial records had long been formed. The frequent use of software that enabled Drabinsky to easily manipulate the financial records and financial statements as much as he wanted was a common behaviour in Livent, acquiesced by everyone in the company. Under the threat of Drabinsky, Messina thus had no choice but to try her best to manage the fraud from being detected, making herself really exhausted by the daily work. The pressure Messina faced as the chief financial officer was unable to share with other colleagues and she was forced by the financial pressures to involve in the fraud. She could feel the threats from Drabinsky and the already very troublesome financial situation. And she could perceive that her subordinates and other staff in Livent were suffering the bully and coercion from their executives as well. Opportunity The factor of opportunity in the fraud triangle refers to the ability to commit the fraud and in the situations like the one in the case, such opportunity mainly results from having specific professional skills or knowledge. That is to say, the person was able to manipulate skilfully and knew how to avoid being discovered by his supervisors or regulations. In addition, the trust that the person is able to accomplish the job in accord  with laws also contributes to the opportunity. The trust existing in the relationship between the supervisor and the employees may contribute to getting authorized without careful screening. The trust caused the space of opportunity to fraud expanded. In case of Livent, Messina was an experienced accountants as well as a Chartered Accountant, who had been promoted to partner of the Deloitte Touch, LLP in Canada. Her previous experience in the industry enabled her to have a good knowledge both in accounting and auditing. That is to say, Messina potentially knew how to manipulate the accounting records daily and prepare the fraudulent financial statement annually. Also, she understood the normal practice of outside professional auditors, who were responsible for examining the financial performance of the company and avoiding inconsistency with the GAAP. Thus, Messina could give professional advice to Drabinsky and Gottlieb so that their manipulation of the accounting records would not be detected in the annual auditing. Besides her professional knowledge and skills in assisting in the fraud in accounting, the opportunity for Messina to get involved also includes the trust on her and her influence in her previous company. Messina had worked at Deloitte Canada for quite a long time and had been promoted to position as partner before she left the company and became CFO of Livent Inc. She had therefore built broad relationship within Deloitte, who was the outside auditing firm for Livent at that time. As Dellaportas (2013) pointed out in the research, insufficient internal regulation and supervision upon such fraudulent behaviours prompted the fraud to continue without being detected by others. However, in the specific case of Livent, there was no self-regulation mechanism at all, since the entire company, from the executives to the employees of the lowest-level, got involved in the fraud. Thus, it was hopeless to discover and discourage such deviant behaviours by the people inside the company. This caused the fraud of Livent to continue to expand and to be very serious. Rationalisation The rationalisation is not rational, instead it is an excuse for the person  who commits the fraud to justify the behaviour to himself. Coleman (1987) discussed this factor of fraud within the context of white collar crimes, and he argued that rationalisation is not an â€Å"after-the-fact† excuse. In fact, people who commit the crime do not realize that their behaviours are deviant. A large number of white collar crime criminals argued that they considered the laws to be unjust or unreasonable, causing them to break the rules (Coleman 1987). The factor of rationalisation is more risky than the other two factors because the people who have violated the laws believed that they had the right reason to do so. He also mentioned other common argument of the fraudulent behaviours. They claimed that such behaviours were the only way for them to achieve the goal or to â€Å"survive† (Coleman 1987). Based on the research results from Dellaportas (2013), he identified the three most common way of denial that people think to justify their fraudulent behaviours. People would rationalize their behaviour as they deny the â€Å"responsibility, injury and victim†. First, the offenders will shirk responsibility and say someone else are supposed to be in charge of the fraud. Secondly, they justify what they have done by arguing that there is no victim in this situation. Finally, if there is victims, the offenders may consider that the victims deserve the sufferings. Thus, they are free from taking responsible or even committing their fraud is illegal. Definitely, there were rationalisation inside Messina that made her behaviour â€Å"just† according to her own value. After quitting the partner position at Deloitte, Messina believed it to be right or rational for her to help Drabinsky in the fraud. Or otherwise, she would lose her job and would be unable to survive. And the overall atmosphere inside the Livent, considering what they were doing as â€Å"matter of fact†, alleviated the employee’s sense of responsibility for the fraud. Messina could hardly feel guilty and never considered about the consequences of helping the company’s fraud. She might rationalize her efforts in the fraud as under the instruction of Drabinsky, instead of out of her own willingness. The above analysis clearly dissected the reasons why Messina became complicit in the fraud from the perspective of psychology. However, as Dellaportas (2013) discussed, the influence of each factor in the fraud triangle varied  from case to case, and was not often equally impacting the fraud behaviours. Recent researches intend to improve the fraud triangle by considering additional factors into the model to better understand the behaviour of fraud in current times. What Messina had done assisted the fraud in Livent to continue for quite a long time after she joined Livent. Messina became the complicit in the serious fraud due to the pressure she was facing, mainly financially, the opportunity she was able to take advantage of and the rationalisation she found for herself to justify her deviant behaviours. Dellaportas (2013) discovered, through case study from ten accountants’ committing fraud, that the opportunity of committing fraud was a much more important factor in dete cting fraud and to take control of it. The motivation and rationalisation contributed less in this kind of accounting fraud cases. Question B2 Comment on the adequacy of the disciplinary action taken against Messina. (5 marks; approximately 500 words) Answer: Finally, Messina was fined for $7,500 and was suspended from doing accounting practice for two years. It is adequate but not enough punishment for Messina’s violation to the accounting standards according to the facts already known. After joining Livent, what Messina did in the Livent’s case of fraud went against the code of professional ethics, which discourages cheating and manipulations. Also, her behaviours broke the securities law in the United States, where the trial of Livent was held. Her involving in the fraud conflicted the interest of the public, especially the investors, who were unable to judge the real performance of Livent from their financial reports. Messina abused her authority in Livent and her influence on Deloitte, for the interest of her own and the executives at Livent. At the very beginning of joining Livent, Messina faced coercion and threats from Drabinsky to keep decent records by manipulation. However, she did not take positive action to resolving the conflict of interest between Drabinsky and herself. Proper ways when one faces conflict of interest is to  quit the job or decline to do the fraud. Messina could have turned to a confidential counselling firm for advice so that she did not have to get involved further in the fraud. On the one hand, it is enough punishment for her involvement in the fraud. She helped the accounting department at Livent to conceal the manipulation of financial statements. Also, as former partner at Deloitte, she abused her influence on the outside independent auditors to comb the financial reports of Livent before they filed to ensure the fraud undetected. What she did violated the standard professional codes for accountants and auditors, and thus she should be subject to penalty. According to the documents from Securities and Exchange Commission (1999), Messina was involved in discussion and approval of every manipulated records. She helped to hide these materials from the auditors so as not to be discovered the inflation in the company’s revenue. On the other hand, the SEC is conservative in judgement because of lack of evidence in proving Messina’s role in the fraud. First, it requires further investigation of the case to identify what she really did and her attitude in the fraud supported with evidence. Moreover, Messina, according to the case material, did show adversarial attitude toward Drabinsky’s fraud plan at first. It means that she still sticked to professional discipline in the beginning, though she yielded to Drabinsky’s bullying later. Also, Messina showed humble attitude in investigation and trial, and cooperated with the commission to investigate the case. It is adequate that the judges punished Messina both financially and professionally. She not only has to give back the illegal money she gained from the fraud, but also should be prevented from doing the practice until she can finally reflect on her mistakes before returning to the business as chief financial officer. However, the amount of fine is too little for Messina to realize her improper behaviours, considering the massive consequences of the fraud and the amount of money they benefited from manipulation. But the judgement should after all based on the evidences and regulations. The judge should take the good and bad things Messina had done  throughout the fraud into account to decide. Also, the punishment against Messina requires further investigation of her role in the fraud, which is disputable. References Coleman, J W 1987, ‘Toward an integrated theory of white-collar crime’, American Journal of Sociology, vol 93, no. 2, pp. 406-439. Dellaportas, S 2013, ‘Conversations with inmate accountants: Motivation, opportunity and the fraud triangle’, Accounting Forum, vol. 37, pp. 29-39. Elrod, H Gorhum, M J, ‘Fraudulent financial reporting and cash flows’, Journal of Finance and Accountancy, vol. 11, pp. 56-61. Llopis, J, Gonzalez, M R Gasco, J L 2007, ‘Corporate governance and organisational culture: The role of ethics officers’, International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 96–105 Nwachukwu, S LS Vitell, S J 1997, ‘The influence of corporate culture on managerial ethical judgments’, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 757-776. Schwartz, M S 2013, ‘Developing and sustaining an ethical corporate culture: The core elements’, Business Horizons, vol. 56, pp. 39-50. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1999, Securities and Exchange Commission versus Garth H. Drabinsky, Myron I. Gottlieb, Robert Topol, Gordon C. Eckstein, Maria M. Messina, Diane J. Winkefein, D. Grant Malcolm and Tony Fiorino, 99 CIV.0239, Litigation Release No. 16022, retrieved 15 Aug 2013, .

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Spectrum of Benign Breast Disease and Its Management

Spectrum of Benign Breast Disease and Its Management AUTHORS: Dr.( Mrs) Archana shukla (Assistant Professor )dept of surgery Gandhi medical college, Bhopal M.P. Dr. S. S. Pal (Associated professor) dept of surgery Gandhi medical college Bhopal M.P. ABSRACT: Breast disease in females causes great deal of anxiety and fear of carcinoma and thus losing it. Not all breast diseases and lumps are carcinoma. To study this enigma of females, patients with breast symptoms were studied for 12 months of time Jan 2013 to Dec 2013 in unit iii, dept of surgery, Hamidia hospital, Gandhi medical college Bhopal. Study was conducted to determine the incidence, role of histopathology and imaging in diagnosis and management. The disease is complex group of symptoms and sign such as lump, mastalgia, nipple discharge and combination of these. This was done so as to differentiate and identify the benign group which was much larger in number. They require more counseling, assurance and education regarding benign nature and it being a developmental disorder. Such disorders if untreated may convert into disease which is more persistent. The mean age was 32 as the youngest was age of 14 yrs and the oldest was of 50 yrs of age. The commonest diagnosis was fibroadenoma followed by fibroadenosis . Tuberculosis was the most concerning disease we came across. KEYWORDS: Benign Breast Diseases, young female, fibroadenoma. INTRODUCTION: Majority of patients having sign and symptoms of breast disease fall under benign group rather than carcinoma yet carcinoma takes the precedence over it due to its fearsome nature.1,2,3,4 The benign breast disease group patients have variable symptoms including lump, lump with pain, nodularity, nipple discharge due to relative heterogeneous underlying pathology.5Breast development is governed by growth hormone and cortisol. Breast function is governed by oestrogen progesterone prolactine and oxytocin. Breast undergoes dynamic cyclic changes governed by these hormones and growth factors. 15 These hormones have profound trophic effect. These changes are seen in epithelium and stroma from onset of puberty to menopause. Estrogen have effect on ducts where as progesterone have effect on epithelium. With the onset of puberty there is decrease in sensitivity of the hypothalamus and pituitary axis to negative feedback and increased sensitivity to positive feedback of estrogens. This initiates GnRH, FSH, LH causing increase in estrogens and progesterone which is the cause for menstrual cycle. This increase is responsible for proliferation of epithelium, duct and stroma. These changes may lead to Aberration in normal development of breast and involution of breast, causing majority of benign breast disorder. These disorders may convert into disease if untreated. Exaggerated response to hormones oestrogen causes development of single or multiple proliferatory breast diseases such as fibroadnenoma which is benign solid mobile mass which has both fibrous and glandular part.11 Fibroadenoma of more than 10 cm are termed as phylloids tumor owing to shape it attains due to large size. Sometimes the changes have proliferation of ducts, lobules, interlobular and inter lobular stroma leading to fibrous changes with cystic changes commonly termed fibrocystic disease. 13 Such proliferation may have atypical hyperplasia including ductal and lobular hyperplasia, which has increased risk for development of carcinoma in future. Apart from this, multifocal lesions with calcification increase many fold risk.6,7.8 Then there are symptoms of nipple. As a developmental defect there may be nipple inversion which may present as subareolar abscess in later age. During involution phase there is ductal involution causing ductal ectasia if not treated can lead to periductal mastitis or may sometimes have atypical hyperplasia.6 During lactation the breast undergoes many dynamic changes and if there is problem in expression of milk there may be occurrence of breast abscess. If not treated adequately may lead to chronic breast abscess, antibioma and milk sinus. To certain the diagnosis of usually neglected and underestimated disease there is a huge role of histopathology and imaging technologies. With the help of histopathology proliferatory , non proliferatory disorders and diseases, breast cyst and other pathologies such as tuberculosis and lipoma can be detected. 20 There is a role of microbial culture in diagnosis of infectious disease. Similarly ultrasonography is helpful in diagnosis and in management also.13,22 Triple assessment test, which include clinical examination imaging and histopathology examination is the gold standard approach to the diagnosis though elderly females may require mammography.20,21,22 We have conducted study to determine the frequency of the disease, to analyze the role of triple assessment and to know implication in management. 13,15 16 METHOD Our study was conducted for one year in Jan 2013 to Dec 2013, under unit 3 Dept. of Surgery, Hamidia Hospital, Gandhi Medical College. We included all the patients coming to surgery OPD with breast complaints.14 Informed consent was obtained from all the patients. Patients were recorded under following points: History, Clinical examination FNAC of all palpable lumps, nodularities was done. In patients where there was dilemma trucut biopsy was done. Microbial examination and abscess wall biopsy was done in all case of breast abscess and antibiomas. USG, mammography Imaging was done. In our setup, USG was the most accessible radiographic investigation available. All the patients were subjected to USG to locate and know the lesion but in doubtful cases mammosonography was done. Age varied from 12-50 years hence 4 groups were made: 12-20 years 20-30 years 30 -40 years 40 and above RESULT: In first age group the most common complaint was lump in one of the breast or both. Most of these patients did not have complaints of pain. It was followed by lump with pain. We did not have any patients with complaint of nipple discharge in this group.15,16,17 In second group most common complaint was lump in breast with pain and bilateral generalized breast pain without lump and nodularity which were grouped under mastalgia. The third group was lesser in number. They were mainly having complaints of lump, fever and pain. There were very few patients in fourth group and complaints were that of pain and nipple discharge. In total there were 148 patients with lump and out of which 62 were that of fibroadenoma, 4 patients of fibroadenoma were of size more than 10 cm hence labelled as phylloid. Most of the fibroadenoma were unilateral and only 7 patients had bilateral adenomas. 5,12 There were 40 patients who were diagnosed as fibroadenosis. All patients underwent FNAC one patient showed atypical hyperplasia. 6,7,8 After this, the next common diagnosis was that of breast abscess which was common in lactating females. The diagnosis which worried us the most was that of tuberculosis of breast. We found 10 cases of this disease presenting as chronic and recurrent breast abscess, showed mycobacterium tuberculi in culture.1 8 We also found 6 patients of antibioma and 2 patients of galactocoele. There were patients of ductal ectasia and one patient of lipoma and one of breast cyst. Patients having significant symptoms of pain but not found with any lesion on radiographic investigation were labeled as mastalgia. Out of 7 only 3 were cyclical and rest were not related to cycle. 15,16,17 MANAGEMENT- Out of 62 patients of fibroadenoma, there were 18 patients with lesion less than 2 cm as detected clinically and confirmed by ultrasonography .these patients were treated conservatively.22 Surgery was proposed to all other 44 patients 40 patients consented for surgery and were operated, in all these excision was done under anesthesia.12 We registered 40 patients of fibroadenosis, in 6 patients excision of the most painful and noduler area was done rest of the patients were treated conservatively by oral medication of evening prime rose oil and vitamin E. In patients not getting relieved by above, Danazol which is an anti gonadotrophin was found useful. As it is having androgenic effects non compliance was observed in most of the patients. In one patient with FNAC showing atypical hyperplasia excision of affect quadrant with subsequent follow-up was done by series of mammography. As patient with atypical hyperplasia, multi focal lesion with calcifications have many fold increased risk for developing carcinoma 6,7,8 Patient was subjected risk reduction strategies like yearly mammography, stopping oral contraceptive pills and hormone replacement therapy if any.6,7 In patients with mastalgia cyclic or non cyclic patients are treated with conservative manner by life style modification, eating low fat diet and avoiding caffeine. After ruling out infection pt responds well to NSAID and Danazol. Simple breast cyst was treated with aspiration.22 All 12 the patients of breast abscess were treated by surgical ID. microbial examinations were done all the cases.21,23 10 patients came history of presence of lump and pain and low grade fever and malaise, on ultrasonography showed hypo echoic lesion suggestive of abscess showed presence of mycobacterium tuberculi in abscess wall biopsy and were treated by anti tubercular treatment.18 Patient with antibioma were treated in conservative manner in lactating women where as in non lactating open drainage and curettage was done. There were two patients of galactocoele and one of breast cyst in which aspiration was done. One patient of breast lump after excision biopsy was diagnosed as lipoma. All the patients with complaints of nipple discharge underwent cytological examination of discharged fluid. There was one patient of ductal ectasia which on ultra sonogrphy showed ductal pappiloma for which microdochectomy was done. Patients with bilateral breast pain with cyclic nodularity were diagnosed as mastalgia. These patients underwent series of ultrasonography but no focal lesion was found. In patients with mastalgia cyclic or non cyclic patients are treated with conservative manner by life style modification, eating low fat diet and avoiding caffeine. Patient responds well to NSAID and Danazol. DISCUSSION: When a female notices breast lesion she undergoes great degree of anxiety due to apprehension of gruesome carcinoma which causes breast lose and most fearful disfigurement.1.3.4 Benign breast diseases are much more common than malignant lesions but the aggressive nature of carcinoma takes the precedence of the worry.9 Thus it the most important priority of surgeon to reach up to a definite diagnosis and once the carcinoma is excluded the patient should be reassured and educated for further follow up.10,23 It is also there for prolonged period of time and requires counseling and reassurance apart from definitive treatment. Triple assessment test is essential for the patients with complaints of breast diseases.19 Any clinical or suspicious lesion requires pathological diagnosis. Patients with proliferatory disease without atypia have very little risk of breast cancer but patients with atypia have substantial great risk of breast cancer.6 The common age group for BBD is younger age group, who have less say in the family. The symptoms are considered trivial and discomfort converts in pain. FNAC had high predictive value. In our study there was high sensitivity to fibroadenoma. 12,19The poor sensitivity to fibroadenosis is due to poor cellular aspirate. Frequent FNAC were required some times as the disadvantage of scaring of excision biopsy and damage to ductal system architecture was not acceptable.21,22,23 In studies done by Abhijit M. G. in rural area of karnatak, India in year 2009- 2011 there is high incidence of fibroadenoma, total pt were 110, 68 underwent exicision( 61.8%)of which 60 (88.2%) were fibroadenoma. In Pakistan study done by Batool et al at Lahore, out of 63 patients of BBD there were 38 patients of fibroadenoma. In our study there were 41.9% of fibroadenoma out of that 29.03 % of cases were less than 2 cm and were treated conservatively were as in 70.9 % of cases were proposed surgery but only 64.6 % of patient got operated. There were 25.9% cases of fibroadenosis. In above studies there less incidence of tuberculosis which is 6.2% in our study. This the matter of concern and required more follow ups. In developing country especially in rural area the treatment of breast disease poses lots of problem care system due to social stigma, illiteracy poverty and lack of availability of authentic health care system. CONCLUSION The disease of breast which is concluded to be benign may be trivial for family members but it imposes substantial anxiety and affected day to day life of sufferers.9,23 The mean age affected was 32. The common benign breast disorder which we came across is fibroadenoma which is more common in young age.12,19,23 They are best treated surgically though small sized can be managed conservatively with good follow up. The disease variant of this disorder phylloids tumor needs more diagnostic confirmations to rule out malignancy, excision and follow-ups. Fibroadenosis and mastalgia patients suffer more as there is no surgical cure and the conservative management is not very affective. Anti gonadotrophins due to androgenic side effects are not tolerated well. Anti oestrogen drugs also do not have good compliance due to systemic side effects like flushing and nausea and vomiting as they are to be consumed for prolonged period of time. Periodic NSAID and lifestyle management was more accepted. Infectious disease were found commonly in lactating females Main concern were patients of tuberculosis which are 6.28 % of all patients and much higher in no. than other studies we came across. 18This was more common in age group of 20-30 yrs. Though all mentioned patient were treated completely to our satisfaction. With senescence, there was complaint of nipple discharge in elderly patients due to ductal ectasia and periductal mastits. It required more detailed and dedicated approach so as to rule out the carcinoma which is higher in this age group. Thus benign breast disease has good prognosis but requires thorough investigations and management for desired results.9 References 18 Mehta G, Mittal A, Verma S. Breast Tuberculosis Clinical Spectrum and Management. Indian J Surg 2010;72:433- 19 Lopez-Ferrer P, Jimenez-Heffernan JA, Vicandi B, Ortega L, Viguer JM. Fine needle aspiration cytology of breast fibroadenoma: a cytohistologic correlation study of 405 cases. Acta Cytologica 1999;43:579- 20 . Park IA, Ham EK. Fine needle aspiration cytology of palpable breast lesions. Acta Cytologica 1997;41:1131- 21. Iglehart JK, Smith BL. Diseases of the breast. In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mattox KL. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 18th ed. India: Elsevier; 2008:858-61. 22 Thomas JM, Fitzharris BM, Redding WH, Williams JE, Trott PA, Powles TJ, et al. Clinical examination, xeromammography, and fine-needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of breast tumours. Br Med J 1978;21:1139-412 23 Srivatsava A, Dhar A. Benign Breast Disease: A neglected entity. Recent Advances in Surgery 2006;10:175-2011. TABLE NO 1 ETIOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTIONS CHART 1 OPERATIVE AND CONSERVATIVE TABLE NO 2 AGE DISTRIBUTION CHART 2 SPECTRUM OF DISEASE

Friday, September 20, 2019

gene and our Destiny Essay --

It is pretty difficult for one to understand or realize what determine our destiny. Even though genes influence every aspect of human physiology, development, and adaptation there are many questions left unanswered. For instance, what influences or determines my sense of who I am? What makes me distinct from other people? To what extent do I determine my own destiny? Does gene make me addicted to crime, alcoholism or drug abuse? What is the relationship between one’s intelligent and gene? How does science inform human identity? In an attempt to answer this questions various researchers have come up with contradicting ideas in determining if our characteristics and behaviors are primarily due to genetics or the environment in which we live. There are many issues and aspects of lives that influence us daily. These aspects create different situations that lead us to determine our path and destiny. To begin with, our similarities to our parents in personality is entirely genetic, we are born with a set of genes that never change. For instance, during conception two set of genes joint together into one and from that moment D.N.A starts to determine certain characteristics that we possess. For example, we all accept that gene determines our eye color, height, blood type, gender, color of the hair and other biological factors. But scientists have begun exploring the role of gene in our behaviors, many believe that the power of gene determines all consequences in our lives and others believe that genes do not determine everything in a person life. Many studies have been done to find out whether our destiny is written in gene or determined by circumstances. All this studies reveals that gene may determine how we behave in a given situat... that can influence us both positively and negatively. By doing something constantly make perfect exercise make us healthier and the more we learn, the more lifestyle or nurture seems to play in determining our characteristics as individuals. Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise have a profound role in health and fitness and may offer even further benefits. Passion, drive, and hard work are perhaps just as important to success as a natural-born ability. Genes tell us a lot about who we are physically, socially and mentally but environment also play a key role. We as members of human species we are born to change. Our destiny we make ourselves despite the factors we have no control over them. So the answer to whether the genes determine our destiny is still out. It appears that both gene and environment may be equally important in determining who we are.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Knight in Shinning Armour in Chaucers The Canterbury Tales Essay examp

The Knight in Shinning Armour in Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales offers the reader an insight into our past, providing vivid glimpses into the 14th century's social structure, and into the personalities, lives, and ethics of twenty-eight members of that society drawn together to travel on a pilgrimage. The General Prologue to the Tales deals primarily with introducing these people to us, providing physical descriptions and character outlines of virtually each pilgrim; it is a tribute to Chaucer's skill that his descriptions (as filtered through the neurotically happy narrator) succeeds in creating such lively characters out of what are, essential, two-dimensional stereotypes from his era. Chaucer manages to create strong characters through multiple means, each pilgrim receiving special detail in various areas. Take, for instance, the first of the pilgrims: The Knight. The knight has always been a romantic, heroic figure, and in this group of pilgrims, is the highest placed member on the social stepladder. Chaucer does the knight - and our preconceptions of him - justice, painting an image of a strong, valiant, and noble figure. Oddly enough (or perhaps, wisely), very little attention is given to his physical detail, concentrating more on the knight's activities and demeanour. In fact, the only lines that provide a direct physical description of the knight are: But for tto tellen you of his array, His hors were goode, but he was nat gay. Of fustiaan he wered a gipoun, Al bismottered with his haubergeoun, (73-76) Therefore, we know he has a good horse (a sure sign of wealth), and that he avoids flashy, gaudy clothing (unlike his son the squ... ...ion of which has obviously caused the knight to go on a pilgrimage. Something is obviously bothering the knight, else he would not feel the need to atone for his actions. But these small flaws only make him that much more of a human figure, and can only serve to further draw the reader into the knight's coming tale. So, while the knight may be besmirched, and troubled, and no longer gleam, he still, in Chaucer's, the narrator's, and most reader's view, remains the Knight in shinning armour. Works Consulted Geoffrey Chaucer. Twayne's English Authors Series, Ed. Sylvia Bowman, New York: Twayne Publishers, 1964. Modern Critical Views: Geoffrey Chaucer, Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. Pearsall, Derek. The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer. Blackwell Critical Biographies. Ed. Claude Rawson. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992.